Ensuring Safety at North Shore Bridge Club

Bridge Club, North Sydney, Gordon, Killara, Chatswood, Roseville, Mosman, Willoughby, Lindfield, Castle Cove

At North Shore Bridge Club, we hold the safety and well-being of our staff, volunteers, members, and guests in the highest regard. Creating a secure environment where individuals can thrive without worry is not just a goal; it's our commitment. As part of our unwavering dedication to safety, we urge all members of our community to actively participate in identifying and reporting potential hazards.

We understand that safety is a collective responsibility, and every individual's vigilance plays a crucial role in maintaining a secure environment. Whether it's a loose handrail, a spill on the floor, or any other potential hazard, we encourage you to bring it to our attention promptly.

To facilitate the reporting process, we have implemented a Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Incident Form on our website. You can access this form under the menu heading "Forms." When using the WHS Incident Form, please provide comprehensive information about the observed hazard or safety issue. Include details such as the location, a description of the hazard, and any other relevant information. Your input is invaluable and enables us to take swift and appropriate action.

Upon receiving a report, our WHS Committee will promptly investigate the issue and implement necessary measures to address it. Whether it entails enhancing safety protocols, repairing equipment, or improving signage, rest assured that we are committed to proactive risk mitigation.

We also encourage open communication regarding safety concerns. If you notice any hazards that require immediate attention, please don't hesitate to alert a supervisor or manager on duty. Your proactive approach can help prevent accidents and injuries, fostering a culture of safety throughout our Club.

North Shore Bridge Club Management

North Shore Bridge ClubNorth Shore Bridge Club