Labour Day 2019 MP Pairs Congress


1st ns and ew

NS Winners:  Frances Garrick & Janet Rowlatt
EW Winners: Patrick Starck & Vivien Eldridge
(shown above with Club President John Mottram - centre)


ns 2nd

2nd NS:  Bijan Assaee & Alexis Ngan


ew 2nd

2nd EW: Peter Jeffery & Julian Abel


ns 3rd

3rd NS:  Sunny Pang & Margaret Owen


ew 3rd

3rd EW: George Fleischer & Elliott Kaplan


Session Winners:

ns 3rd

Morning North South:  Sunny Pang & Margaret Owen


1st ew morning sess

Morning East West: Patrick Starck & Vivien Eldridge


afternoon sess ns

Afternoon North South: Steven Bock and Kevin Davies


afternoon sess ew

Afternoon East West: Cevat Emul and Les Grewcock (not in photo)


Best Restricted:

restricted ns

North South Overall: Owen Aubrey & John Bartrop (not in photo)


restricted ew

East West Overall: Bob Lygo and David Burton