Monthly Winners for December 2024



The results from every pairs session played at East Lindfield, The Willis or Online during December 2024 have been extracted to determine the winners of the monthly competition for December. Thursday night Championship events and Congresses are not included. 

If you have played with the same partner for three or more sessions at the particular venue or Online during the month, you will be counted. Not only will you be recognised in the monthly winners list for the month, but you may also qualify for additional Master Points to those gained for the individual sessions.

All Winners will be presented with a Certificate of Achievement, so make sure you look for it in your (Actual) Mail - or are present at the relevant venue, at the relevant session for an in-person presentation on the first week of the following month.



The results for the current month can be seen at any time in the main menu under "Results". Click on the second last blue submenu item "Monthly Winners" for the table of winners.

Below are the results for the December 2024 Monthly Winners competition. 

All Monthly Winners, for every month in the Calendar year, will be invited to compete in a special Monthly Winners Tournament early in 2025.


East Lindfield Monday 10.00 AM RookiePETER BROOK / MARK LAKOTA Click here0.71
East Lindfield Monday 1.00 PM OpenPETER TREBECK / DENZIL SELDON Click here1.83
East Lindfield Monday  7.00 PM  SupervisedMARGRIET SHAW-TAYLOR / ANNE HANDELClick here 
East Lindfield Tuesday 1.30 PM RookieDAVID DALLEY / DALE DALLEYClick here1.03
East Lindfield Wednesday 10.00 AM OpenSTEPHEN SHARP / JANET CROCKERClick here0.25
East Lindfield Thursday 10.00 AM RookiePHILIP RAYMOND / JUDI RAYMONDClick here0.25
East Lindfield Thursday 10.00 AM SupervisedROBYN CHAPMAN / KAREN MURPHYClick here 
East Lindfield Thursday 1.00 PM OpenROSLYN HOWES / TONY HOWESClick here1.32
East Lindfield Saturday 1.00 PM OpenBEVERLEY CALLAWAY / MARIA REMEDIOSClick here0.93
East Lindfield Saturday 1.00 PM SupervisedNo qualifiers  

 The Willis Monday 1.15 PM Rookie

The Willis Tuesday 12.30 PM OpenGRAHAM MCMAHON / YU-SHIUN CHENClick here0.71

 The Willis Wednesday 12.30 PM Open

Online Mon 10.00 am OpenFRAN CAMPBELL / ESTHER LEEClick here0.71
Online Mon 1.30 pm OpenMICHAEL CARTMELL / NICK FAHRERClick here1.03
Online Mon 2.00 pm RookieANNE LANCASTER / DEBBIE IRWINClick here1.03
Online Tue 1.30 pm OpenPETER ROBINSON / KEVIN DAVIESClick here1.03
Online Tue 2.00 pm RookieROSEMARY CHRISTIE / ANNE MAREE GLEESONClick here0.25
Online Tue 7.00 pm RestrictedPETER MESSINESI / MEERA KUDVAClick here0.57
Online Wed 1.30 pm OpenFRAN CAMPBELL / ESTHER LEEClick here0.86
Online Wed 2.00 pm RookieMARGARET PARKER / PETER CASSINClick here0.50
Online Wed 7.00 pm OpenSTEVEN BOCK / KEVIN DAVIESClick here0.44
Online Thu 1.30 pm OpenJUDY OSIE / RENA KAPLANClick here0.71
Online Thu 1.30 pm RestrictedBRIAN EMANUEL / MEERA KUDVAClick here0.49
Online Fri 1.30 pm OpenREGINA FEILER / JACK FEILERClick here0.60
Online Sat 1.30 pm OpenJUDY OSIE / DAVID OSIE

Click here
