Jamie Thompson and the 9 card fit....
Jamie's lesson will be all about the "Power of the 9 card fit", exploring Jacoby 2NT and Bergen Raises. These 2 conventions are a strong addition to your bidding toolkit. It makes it hard for the Opps to find their fit and even if you choose not to use it, it is beneficial to know about when it is used against you in bidding.
Join us online at 10 am on Thursday 7th March for an online Zoom lesson with Jamie. If you cannot make it, still register and we will send you a recording so that you can watch it at your leisure.
Click here to register. The lesson costs $20 and you get to keep the recording for future use.
We will also provide a Realbridge session, for you to practice your new skills. This is free of charge to those who have paid for the lesson. To use this service, you will need to find a group of 4 players who have paid for the lesson, log onto a link that we will provide to you, and practice your new bidding conventions at a time of your choosing.