Series of FOUR Lessons from Pete Hollands

Series of FOUR Lessons from Pete Hollands

Pete Hollands is a professional bridge player who makes educational bridge videos.

As the most subscribed-to YouTuber, Pete is an Australian Bridge legend with more than 16 000 followers!

pete holland

Come join us to learn the expert's secrets from the other side of the screen (rather than the other side of the bridge table).

Pete will be running a series of four online Zoom lessons, starting 11am (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday 16th December.

  • The secret of slam bidding - Friday 16th December
  • How to find the best lead - Thursday 22nd December
  • Declarer play traps to avoid - Friday 30th December
  • Healthy habits in defence - Friday 6th January

Participants will be emailed a link to the Zoom meeting. Notes and a recording of the session will be provided which means that even if you can’t attend live, you can book in and enjoy the content in your own time.

Book one or all of the sessions by registering in Upcoming Events. Click here

The cost is $20 per session. 

NSBC members can use their PP account.
Non-members pay by CLICKING HERE