Morgans Restricted Championship

Morgans Restricted Swiss Pairs Champions

The inaugural Morgans Restricted Swiss Pairs Championships concluded last night.  It was run over 3 Thursday evenings for Rookie and Restricted players. With all entrants earning some red master points, everyone was a winner.

Congratulations to Felix and Sharon on their win, which was closely followed by John Lawrance and Aaron Minney, with third place going to David Craig and Janice Olevson. Full results below.

Morgans restricted swiss pairs - Screenshot 2023-04-14

Thank you to Morgans for sponsoring the event. Morgans Financial, are offering free initial consultations at their Chatswood offices for financial advice for NSBC members. Are you frustrated at how little interest your savings are earning? Are you paying high adviser fees for low service? Is Estate Planning on your agenda but constantly deferred?

Email Danny Dreyfus by clicking here.

Next event for Rookie and Restricted players is the NSBC Autumn Online Restricted Swiss Pairs on Sunday 23rd April.  To enter click here.